Art Tests
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October 12, 2012
I‘ve been in talks with a number of different game companies over the last three months about positions ranging from art director, 3D environment artist, concept artist, texture artist etc. My last experience with art tests were years ago, and apparently it’s roll in the hiring process is very different now. It seems companies can be a bit more choosy, and administer art tests to multiple candidates at a time, irregardless of experience, portfolio content, etc. Causing a pretty big time sink, wasting lots of artists time.
So below are some of the results to a number of different art tests for various positions at various companies. None of the tests led to me being hired, and you can see that by the last art test I became so disillusioned that I spent two hours on it and it shows. I’m going to focus on updating my reel and portfolio over the next few months and not do any more art tests for the foreseeable future.
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